What is this course about?


The NVQ has a requirement to complete evidence from your normal work activities, this you need to record ideally with photogoraphs and as much evidence of you completing the work requirements.

In other words you doing the installation and wiring techniques together with working safely.


You will have been sent a log book and given the email address to send it back to us:



Why use this Email address:

Thsi email address is secure and protected on our servers and also goes directly to our exams officer who will work through your evidence and compile it into the requirements for completion of the evidence to support the NVQ pathway you are on.

Anything missing or required to enable this completion he will give you feedback and also arrange on site visit for us to see and record what you are doing to validate that you are working in the elctrical industry at what you say you are doing.


Why is this done:

We are required to complete at least two on site visits to validate the evidence you send us as we have to identify you are actually working in the elctrical trade at what you say you are doing to eventually claim your final certificate pathway and enable you to then apply fo ryour JIB Gold Card.


Remember the EPA end point assessment is not included with us as this is a specific requirement by NET to validate that you can work to a specified installation, faut finding and inspection and testing of the circuits installed and is independent of any training provider .

However this once completed is added to your qualification (unless you are completing the EWR, experienced worker route). then we can claim thr full certificate for you.


Which Routes or pathways and which EPA end point assessment applies?


If you have completed the C&G2365 level 2 & 3 then you will be on the C&G2357-44 NVQ the end point assessment you will need to book at an NET centre will be the AM2


If you have completed the C&G2330 level 2 and 3 then you will be on the C&G2357-34 NVQ and the end point assessment you will need to book at an NET centre will be the AM2


If you have the C&G2330 and C&G8202 you will be on the C&G2357-91 unit pathway NVQ and your end point assessment you will need to book at an NET centre will be the AM2


If you have undertaken the EWR experienced worker route then you will need to complete the C&G2382-22 wiring regulations and also the C&G2391-52 Inspection and testing along with the EWR NVQ pathway, you will alos then need to complete the EPA end point asssessment AM2E and an NET centre.


It is very important you have the correct pathway and also the correct EPA otherwise you will not be able to apply for your JIB Gold card.  Always check with us you are on the correct pathway.



What is AM2?

AM2 or the Achievement Measurement 2 is a practical performance skill test administered by the National Electrotechnical Training (NET).

As of the release of C&G 2357 Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Electrotechnical Technology, the AM2 exam becomes unit 2357-399 of the before mentioned qualification. 

You must take the AM2 test if you are: 

From January 2011 the AM2 requirements have changed, which means that all candidates must take the exam according to the new program.


Candidate requirements 

The AM2 is designed for individuals who wish to work as electricians or as maintenance electricians. 
By taking the new AM2 exam you will demonstrate that you have a level of competence expected by the industry in the following key occupational areas: 

You will be required to work on:


AM2 What is involved:

he assessment is split into these sections: 


All the sections must be completed within the specified target times and according to the requirements of the current IEE Wiring Regulations (BS7671). You will be required to work on standard AM2 test units using drawings, circuit diagrams and written instructions. 

You will be permitted to refer to the current edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations, IEE On-Site Guide and to the IEE Guidance Note no.3 Inspection and Testing.


Common Candidate Mistakes on the AM2 Exam

National Electrotechnical Training (NET), the provider of AM2 examination, at one point released an excellent document listing the most common errors made by candidates. Since then the document has been removed from their site but we got th emost important points here bellow listed.

In order to gain even better insight in to the common mistakes made by candidates we have conducted a survey among our members. 

Our survey found these to be the top 3 reasons for failure:

As you can see all three reasons are related to Safe Isolation procedure. Something that is so simple to do in everyday life that we do not even think about it. However, under examination pressure, it has been proven that it is extremely easy to make mistakes about it. Unfortunately these mistakes mean a failure in the AM2 exam.